Rock church
The church is open for worship by the Confraternity of the Most Holy Crucifix on all Fridays during Lent, when the faithful come in great numbers, as well as on the 14th of September, for the feast of the Holy Cross. Its stone façade was built in 1722, and is crowned with a bell gable. A stone altar is located in the left aisle which was added in the 18th century and has a fresco of a Madonna and Child, St. Anthony the Great and St. Vincent Ferrer, and to the right of the altar, a statue of the Flagellation of Christ. The main altar boasts a 16th-century fresco of a Crucifixion between the Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist. On either side there are the images of Saints Peter and Paul from the same period. St. Roch, Our Lady of Graces, St. Sebastian, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Anthony of Padua are depicted on the right wall. On the left wall there is an Annunciation, St. Eustace and St. Leonard. Standing out in the medallions of the vault, there are the images of the four Evangelists from the 16th century. Finally, there is the fresco of St. Desiderius of Langres, martyr, on the wall dividing its two naves, dated 1743.
Biglietto di ingresso:
Property of the Artieri confraternity, contact person: Franco Rubino.