Rock church and Site of interest
The rock church, which includes part of an earlier medieval cemetery dug into the rocky bank of a natural shelter, was most likely erected in the late middle ages and first dedicated to the Virgin Hodegetria, Saint Mary of Idris. In the 19th century, during the restoration of the church, a new altar was added by the Spuma family and is dated1804. At that time, the church had become Madonna de Idris (Our Lady of Water). A statue, no longer existing, was purchased, on the initiative of the Confraternity of Santa Maria de Idris, with two terracotta water pitchers at the foot of the Virgin. A fresco of the Madonna and Child was painted above the altar, with two jugs to collect water. The floor of the church had a row of ceramic bricks along which praying women would crawl on their hands and knees to obtain the grace of the Virgin and above all, abundant water. Numerous paintings were detached from the counter-façade of the main entrance in the 1960s by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage in order to better preserve them and are now exhibited at the Museum of Palazzo Lanfranchi.
Biglietto di ingresso:
This rock church is managed by the Oltre l’Arte Cooperative.