Archaeological site, Church, Naturalistic site, and Sanctuary

The first church on the hill known as Timmari belonged to a Benedictine monastery that was abolished in 1308. The monastery was re-founded in 1310 and the new church dedicated to St. Nicholas. Its portal is framed with a slightly ogival arch above which there is a window in the shape of a Greek cross. Behind the church, next to the apse facing east, there are the remains of the bell tower. Its interior has a single nave divided into two parts by a central arch with an ogival intrados resting on pillars. On the left wall there is what was probably an arcosolium, while at the back of the church there is an apse frescoed with 18th-century images of Christ positioned between St. John the Baptist with a lamb and St. Michael the Archangel defeating the dragon. A fresco of Raphael the Archangel with Tobias from the same time period is located to the left of the presbytery on a pillar, while there is a passageway to the right which leads into the sacristy. Next to the church there is a large hall which is used for exhibiting art works of a religious nature.


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