San Mauro Forte

San Mauro Forte is a village located at 540 m s.l.m. in the province of Matera, Basilicata..  It is a town that dates back to Norman times and its name derives from an ancient Benedictine monastery “San Mauro”. Later, the name “Forte” was added to remember how the village, in 1861, managed to repel the bands of brigands of the Spanish Borjes. At that time, the entrance to the village could be made by four doors, one of which is still present.


San Mauro Forte is a village rich in history, tradition, and typical landscape views of the hills with the presence of beautiful olive groves. In the current main square, the cylindrical Torriore was built and it is one of the most important defensive structures rebuilt in the fifties by the Angevins. Today, the Norman Tower has become a museum of attraction.
There are many noble palaces dating back to the eighteenth century: Palazzo Arcieri, Palazzo Arcieri Bitonti, current museum “in Viaggio in Basilicata”, Palazzo Deufemia, Palazzo Lauria, Palazzo Scalese, Palazzo del Turco, Palazzo Di Mase, Palazzo Onorati, Palazzo Scalese, Palazzo Montesano di Montemurro, Palazzo Acquaviva. All of them present valuable ornamental elements and testify the relationship that the owners had with the Neapolitan culture.
The village is of great importance also for the religious architecture: the Church of Santa Maria Assunta/strong>, built in 1553 and shelter of a sixteenth century cross and a painting of 1700. The Church of San Rocco, the Church of the Annunziata, the Chapel of Santa Maria del Rosario..


San Mauro Forte is a fundamental point for food and wine. A place rich in tradition and biological peculiarities. There are several excellent products that characterize the village:truffle, pistachio, honey, pomegranate, saffron, EVO oil, organic products for the well-being and beauty of the body made with snail extract. There are excellent traditions of processed meats. Fundamental is the custom of evaluating food and wine customs at the right time.





The most important is the bell (“Il Campanaccio”). The rite of the village coincides with thefeast of Sant’Antonio Abateand according to popular tradition, with the noisy sound of the large bells you want to avert evil and favor the good harvest of the earth. The sound is attenuated when the players go to the traditional cellars or to the refreshment points tasting the good wine and typical products resulting from the killing of the pig.


mportant is the nature, the landscapes of this land. Everyone can take walks in the woods or along the streets of the old town discovering history and breathtaking views. Then, maybe, it is possible to stop for a nice picnic with friends in nature or explore the tradition and food and wine with a good typical lunch in traditional cellars that honor the culture of Basilicata.


These are the experiences that combineadventure, gastronomy, culture and work. For example, the union in visiting the cultural tradition of the local history of different eras with descriptions and multimedia elements and curiosity in knowing the companies where there is the launch of Bio products par excellence. You can also visit thefarms, see the daily work to get to taste the final product with meals in traditional wineries or local restaurants. Another thing is the adrenaline rush of nature excursions through the surrounding woods and innovative companies. The choice is wide!



1. Gastronomic tour living the local tradition;
2. Cultural tour deepening the history of the village;
3. Live a day in the village of San Mauro Forte between customs and traditions..


Councillor for Culture: Angelo Tricarico 328.3547147