Rock church
This church is considered to represent the highest expression of Byzantine rupestrian architecture. A prothyrum carved into the rock leads to the church’s with a single nave, iconostasis and presbytery. On its side walls there are columns with capitals and on the flat ceiling, there are two large carved domes in line with each other. On the left wall of the nave the faces of two unknown saints can be seen. These have been partially covered at the bottom by a fresco of St. Barbara dating from 1742. On the same wall there is an Adoration of Saint Barbara by Shepherds, which is a copy of the 15th-century painting depicted on the iconostasis. There is a fresco of a Madonna and Child from the same period next to it. St. Barbara is depicted once again on one of the walls of the nave, as well as on the iconostasis which has the date 1520 written on it.
Biglietto di ingresso:
This rock church is undergoing restoration.