Conference hall, Exhibition space, and Museum

The Museum of Archaeology was created in 1911 after the personal collection of Domenico Ridola was donated to the Italian State. The collection includes valuable and rare pieces of great importance regarding art and antiquity. The archaeological investigations within the territory of Matera began in 1872, with the discovery of the “Grotta dei Pipistrelli” (Cave of Bats). What is known about the prehistory of the area is the result of the research by local archaeologist – Domenico Ridola, who devoted his life to archaeology until the end of his days. It is one of the most important archaeological museums in Italy, where artifacts mainly from the Matera territory are preserved. The ceramics of the Serra d’Alto style deserve particular mention, with their pleasant and rich decorations, as well as the mask kraters of the Rizzon collection, purchased by the Italian State in 1990. Of great importance are also finds from the princely graves reserved for young warriors, and the monumental red-figure vases by the “Darius Painter”.

Via Ridola 75100 Matera


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